If you're concerned about CRACKING IN THE WALLS, FLOORS & CEILINGS OF YOUR HOUSE or other small building....
"Solutions to Cracking in Houses & Other Small Buildings" is an authoritative guide on how best to deal with it
You'll discover that the time-tested and proven material in this
"Solutions to Cracking In Houses and Other Small Buildings" is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide based on MORE THAN 30 YEARS of structural engineering experience, written for average home or building owner to use.........

Let me introduce myself...
Hi! My name is Leigh Wilson. I'm a senior consulting structural engineer and a colleague of Patrick Irwin, the author of this informative ebook, Solutions to Cracking in Houses and Other Small Buildings.
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This indispensable how-to-do-it guide distills all his years of experience investigating cracking and other forms of structural damage in distressed buildings into 70 easy-to-read pages.
Patrick is an expert in the field, and through his writing, will lead you through a step-by-step process that will, in many cases, enable you to diagnose and repair structural problems yourself.
And in those more exceptional cases where you might consider parts of the process beyond your capabilities, you'll be able to use the information in this book to instruct other construction professionals and contractors of your requirements in an informed way.
As your house is probably one of your most valuable possessions, you might want to consider the following very carefully......
So to let me tell you a story
Some years ago I was called in to inspect a house that was suffering from severe structural damage such as extensive cracking in the walls and ceilings, jammed windows, misfitting doors etc. This expensive house was more than 100 years old and was located in an exclusive suburb. It had performed perfectly well for most of those years but had inexplicably started cracking and showing other forms of distress in recent times.

There was extensive cracking in the brickwork and plaster walls and ceilings.
It had been purchased by a young lawyer and his wife from a deceased estate after the previous owners, a retired teacher and his wife, had passed away. The young couple were able to buy it at a significantly reduced price because of the cracking and other signs of distress.
As I conducted my investigations, I learnt that, acting on the advice of a building contractor, the elderly couple had poured much of their life savings into very expensive underpinning work to the footings to prevent the cracking from growing worse.

This was followed by repairs to the brickwork, which unfortunately, were rapidly undone as the cracking progressed.
Sadly, they ran out of money and were forced to live a fairly meagre existence, leaving little for their heirs. It was said that the worry about the house hastened their deaths, especially as they feared that it might become uninhabitable and that they would have nowhere else to live.
Now the tragic part of this story is that, as I carried out my investigations along the lines described in this excellent book, I discovered that the problem lay, not in the foundations, where so much of this elderly couple’s money had been spent, but in the roof!

I found that the nailed joints connecting roof framing members together had started to fail. As a result, the rafters were pushing the walls over under the weight of the slate roof and heavy lathe plaster ceiling. So this was the cause of the cracking and other signs of distress, NOT the footings or the foundations.
By repairing the nailed joints in the roof framing, the problems were solved relatively easily and, importantly, INEXPENSIVELY. Then the walls were repaired and the house restored to its former glory.
As a result, the young lawyer and his wife earned a handsome return on their investment.
While this was a most unusual problem, had the elderly couple known the right questions to ask and given appropriate instructions, they could have saved themselves many, many thousands of dollars and lived far more happily in their retirement.
As this story illustrates, if you're concerned about cracking in your home or other small building, this ebook is ESSENTIAL READING to help you protect one of your most valuable investments.

In this case, the cracking and structural damage was significant and an indication that something serious was wrong, but, as I said, was relatively inexpensive to fix. In other cases, cracking can indicate major structural problems that may not be remedied so easily. Frequently, however, cracking can indicate relatively minor problems that can be readily and inexpensively attended to.
It may surprise you to learn that the distress you see in your building is probably not the root-cause of the problem. You might not be surprised to learn that it is essential to understand the root-cause of the problem in the first instance in order to make good properly and avoid a further recurrence.
The most important thing, however, is that the cracking is not ignored.
If you want to retain the value of your house or other small building, it is really critical that you understand what is going on.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for building contractors and others involved with building construction to recommend underpinning as a universal solution for all cracking in walls etc, without undertaking an appropriate investigation. This is a relatively expensive and frequently inappropriate solution to many cracking problems.
Once you have acted on the information and advice provided in this excellent guide, you will

- concerned about the effect that the cracking and other forms of structural damage might have on the value of your house
- worried about its structural integrity
- embarrassed when friends and neighbours see your house in a state of disrepair
- frustrated at having difficulty shutting doors and windows properly
- concerned about draughts, or pests and insects getting in through the cracks
- etc.
This elegantly concise and carefully illustrated practical guide will help you solve these problems once and for all.
It includes:
- detailed step-by-step procedures to enable you to readily investigate and diagnose the cracking and other forms of structural damage in your house or other small building
- a guide as to how you can analyse and interpret the material gathered in your investigations
- guidance on ways to consider the influence of trees, drainage and other buildings on your property and on your neighbour’s properties on the problem
- a simple description of various of forms of low-rise construction and a discussion of the influence of different foundation materials such as sand, clay etc on the performance of a building built upon them
- careful explanations of typical building defects illustrated by clear simple diagrams, making it easy for you to understand the actual root causes of your problem
- guidance as to simple remedial site works that will rectify problems in many cases
- an outline of forms of monitoring and maintenance that you can carry out to ensure that the problems do not recur
- a flowchart and outline as to how best to proceed through the publication
- an overview of other sources of help and what to expect from experts and other specialists
- chapters describing issues peculiar to historic buildings, apartments and flats
- and much, much more.............
You may have been asking yourself "Who do I turn to?" if you are concerned about cracking and other damage in your house. What do you do? This excellent guide will provide you with a clear understanding of the answers to these questions and a well-defined path for you to follow to solve your problems.
On the other hand, if you have tried to do something about your problems already, you might already be aware of the confusing array of professional services that are available to people facing these sorts of problems. And you may be wondering who best to rely on. This book will help you answer that question too, and help you get the most from any professional or building contractor services that you might choose to engage.
Now, it's important to be aware that some of the methods of building repair that are widely promoted may not be necessary, and in some cases, can make the problem worse. Solutions to Cracking in Houses and Other Small Buildings explains why and details the most cost-effective solutions.

So who is Patrick Irwin anyway?
As mentioned above, Patrick is a structural engineer who has specialised in the forensic investigation of problems in buildings in his 30 year structural engineering practice. Over this time, he has conducted about 500 investigations into such problems and provided extensive practical advice to clients on them.
He currently applies this expertise by acting in the role of an expert witness on structural matters, providing authorative reports and witness services to courts all over Australia.
He also sits on the Building Appeals Board in Victoria, Australia, the body that makes determinations on appeals against matters of building regulation and authorises modifications of the local building regulations. From within the board and its subcommittee, he also advises the department and minister on building regulation matters.
He also has been awarded numerous structural engineering awards, is currently the deputy chairman of the Building Dispute Practitioners Society and is also on the committee of the Forensic Engineering Society of Australia.
He is currently the principal of Irwin Structures, Consulting Structural Engineers.
I am confident that any home or small building owner concerned about cracking in his or her house or other small building will find this an invaluable reference. Carefully written in layman's terms throughout and without relying on any previous knowledge of the subject, this manual gently leads the reader through a discussion on the possible causes of cracking and what it means for the structural integrity of the building.
It then provides the reader with simple guidelines to enable him or her to assess whether any of the various types of cracking that may be of concern, are likely to be significant or not.
Finally, it provides excellent guidance on remedial measures and further steps that can be taken.
In many cases, these remedial measures will be found to be relatively inexpensive and may frequently help the reader avoid the need for more drastic and expensive solutions.
I have no doubt that an understanding of the material in this manual could save many home and small building owners many thousands of dollars, if not much more. I highly recommend it to anyone who is concerned about cracking in their home or other small building.
Leigh Wilson BE (Hons.), FIEAust, CPEng
Consulting Forensic Structural Engineer
Former Divisional Structural Engineer
Cement and Concrete Association of Australia
What is your opinion of this book?
After he had finished writing Solutions to Cracking in Houses and Other Small Buildings, Patrick asked me to review it, and here is what I wrote:

Now, let me assure you, I would not be prepared to put my name against this or any other publication unless I considered it to be of a very high standard. With that in mind, I have no hesitation in recommending it, all-the-more-so as I believe that its widespread use could prevent a lot of heartache and worry for people, such as the elderly couple described above.
Now, don’t just rely on my word for it: what have other experts have to say about Solutions to Cracking in Houses and Other Small Buildings?
The cause and effect of the most common types of building distress found in domestic construction are explained clearly and concisely. Home-owners concerned about the appearance of cracks in their house or small building and building practitioners and tradesmen new to the field of distressed buildings will find this a most useful reference indeed.
Ollie Kelly BE MEngSc CEng MIEI Eur Ing
The mysteries of foundations, footings, reactivity, and other geotechnical matters are explained simply, making them easy to follow; a great bonus in this valuable reference.
Tanya Kouzmin BE, FIEAust, CPEng
Senior Forensic Geotechnical Engineer
I would like to say "What a useful reference book !"
Its not overly long or overly technical. We work in the business of repairing cracking properties and we keep a copy handy. It provides a refresher for us and any new staff should they need to brush up on the subject.
Within a couple of hours reading, you gain a broad but more than adequate picture of the processes that can cause cracks in properties.
Many customers would benefit from reading this if they would like to understand why buildings crack and not a single calculation in sight ! Well worth it thanks.
Stephen Hodgson
ResinFix Renovations - Concrete & Building Crack Repair Contractors
Our NO-RISK Money-Back Guarantee
I am absolutely certain that you will find Solutions to Cracking in Houses and Other Small Buildings an invaluable guide to help you resolve your building problems. If after working your way through it, you don't honestly feel that it will help you, I insist on giving you your money back.
Simply send your request within 30 days of purchase to our Help Desk with a short note explaining your concerns, and you will receive a prompt refund.

How much will it cost?
Patrick also asked me how much I thought he should charge for it. When I thought about the 30 years that it has taken him to accumulate the experience summarised in this book, the many hundreds of hours that it took him to write and illustrate it, and the many thousands of dollars that it could save homeowners, I suggested that he could charge well over $100 for a digital copy.
As he is keen to get this important information out to homeowners, as quickly as possible, he has asked me to offer it, not for $97, not even $77.

But you have to act NOW as this introductory trial
could end at any time.
Also, it’s important to remember that your cracking problem could be progressing, and the longer that you leave it, the worse it could become. A minor problem could become a very expensive major one!
Building repairs and professional services can be expensive.
For a tiny investment, this book could well help you avoid or minimise the need for
professional services and guide you to the most cost-effective solutions.
Here's what to do next!
Simply click the BUY NOW Button below to securely claim your digital copy right now!

Frequently asked questions
- Is any specialist knowledge assumed?
No, not at all. It has been written for the lay-person and so technical terms are kept to a minimum and carefully explained where required. Anyone with sufficient technical comprehension to be able to understand how to drive a motor vehicle should have enough technical competence to work through this publication. As explained by the author, "the use of technical terms is minimised as the book is intended to be understood by anyone with sufficient curiosity.”
- I am not a handy-person. Will this be a disadvantage for me?
It shouldn't be. As explained above, a technical understanding should be within the scope of most adults. Now, if you don't like doing things with your hands, it may be that you chose to have some of the more detailed investigative and/or remedial work and/or preventative work done by other specialists. However, understanding the material in this publication will equip you admirably to instruct them and to ensure that they are focusing on the right aspects of the problem.
- Is this publication only suitable for Australian conditions?
Although it is written from the standpoint of construction methods and foundation conditions found in Australia, practically all the content is applicable elsewhere around the globe, as the causes for cracking are common everywhere. Put another way, the basic principles are universal so it will of value to anyone where-ever they live.
- I don't have much time to attend to something like this. Will this publication be of any use to me?
Unfortunately, whatever is causing the cracking and other forms of distress in your house or other small building will not wait until you have sufficient time. It will continue progressing regardless, unless you do something about it. The only exception to this could be a problem that is influenced by seasonal variations of climate. In such cases it will appear to abate at certain times of the year, only to return at other times, perhaps when the weather is wet or drier, hotter or colder.
Aside from this, if you can find a few hours of undisturbed time, you should be able to read the more important parts of this book. Armed with this information, you will be in a good position to work out how best to delegate the remaining aspects of the investigation and how to go about engaging appropriate contractors to carry out the necessary remedial and/or preventative works in an informed way.
When you consider the value of the financial investment that you have in your house or other small building, I expect that the few hours it will take to read and understand this publication will turn out to be an excellent investment of your time.
- Would this book be of value for anyone in the construction industry?
Most certainly. It would be an essential publication for anyone interested in learning about cracking and other forms of distress in low-rise buildings. It would also be an excellent handbook or manual for training courses in appropriate construction-related subjects or topics. Architects, building surveyors, engineers, building contractors, building subcontractors, building inspectors etc would all benefit from the information provided in this publication.
- Are you selling any particular remedial solution to cracking and structural damage of walls and other parts of houses and small buildings?
Certainly not. This publication has been prepared by an expert and is completely independent of any remedial solutions to cracking that might be commercially available.
- Does this book replace professional advice?
This book is not intended to completely replace professional advice, which will undoubtedly be needed in some cases. Nevertheless, even then, this book will enable the building owner to instruct the professional appropriately and to assist his or her understanding and interpretation of it.
- After reading this book, will I be able to repair the problems myself?
It will depend on the remedial measures that are required. In many cases some or all of the work can be done by a homeowner. In other cases, it will be necessary to engage experts with suitable experience. Nevertheless, by having an understanding of the principles, you will be able to ensure that you are getting appropriate value for your money.
Thank you for checking out our Solutions to Cracking in Houses and Other Small Buildings. I look forward to hearing of your success.

PS. Remember, cracking and similar building distress can often appear to be very expensive to repair but often, with the right diagnosis, you will be able to identify highly effective low-cost solutions.
For a mere $97, no, only a mere $37, you will be taking a
first step towards solving this important problem.
